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WiFi Range Extender Installation In Access Point (AP) Mode

jason miller 906 13-Jun-2019

For better understanding and ease of users, we have divided the setup process in different steps. However, it is imperative to execute these steps in the exact order as they are provided below.

 Step 1 Hardware Connection Preparation 

Power up your extender and wirelessly connect your computer with extender's wireless signal. The default wireless name is NETGEAR_EXT. If your device is equipped with a mode switch, set the switch to "Access Point" mode .

Step 2 New Expander Settings 

Open your browser and type "" in the address bar and click on "New Expander Settings"

Step 3 Set up your administrator account information

E-mail: Please enter your e-mail, this mail but also as an administrator account on your device; password: admin password.

Re-enter password: Please re-enter the administrator password, password length is 8-32 characters; selection.

One question: Please select a question in the drop-down menu, this question will be used as a question to recover the administrator password.

Answer: enter an answer to question.

Note: The password cannot contain the punctuation and is case sensitive.

Fill in the required information and click Next.

 Step 4 Select the expander usage type

You can choose the expander to run in WIFI range extender mode or run in access point mode. If you are not sure about the difference between the two, it is recommended to click "Learn more" for more information.

Tap on choose later if you're not sure about usage. When you select this option, the settings will be skipped and you must run the settings later to connect the expander to your existing network.

Here you have to choose the option to set the extender to access point mode. If you click on the settings later, the page will jump to step 10.

Step 5 Configure Access Point Wireless Network Settings

Please connect your route to the expander with a network (Ethernet) cable. Thereafter, your wireless network name and security options can be easily setup using these guidelines:

By default, the wireless network name 2.4G is "NETGEAR_2GEXT", 5G is "NETGEAR_5GEXT", and the security options are none.

It is recommended to modify your wireless network name and ensure that the 2.4G and 5G wireless network names are different.

The security option is set to “WPA2-PSK[AES]” and the password can be customized by 8-63 characters.

If the page prompts , it means that the network cable between your router and the expander is not connected.

It is recommended to re-plug the network cable or replace the better quality network cable. After confirming that the connection is normal, select "Yes" and click "Next". 

Note: The network name (SSID) and password of the setup cannot contain punctuation marks.

Step 6 Connect to your extender

After completing step 5, the page will prompt you to connect to the extender. Please reconnect to the wireless signal of the extender. After connecting, click “Continue”.

Step 7 Log in to Extender

Please fill in the administrator email and password you set in step 3 on the page.

Step 8 Register your Device (OPTIONAL)

Please follow the on-page guidelines to enter your personal information, including name, last name, email address, date of purchase, region, etc. After the registration is successful, you will be able to enjoy online technical support and other services. If you have not registered successfully after several attempts to register, please click "Skip registration", this operation does not affect your warranty. 


Regardless of whether the registration is successful or not, you will be taken to the main interface of the expander's configuration interface . At this point you will complete the configuration of the new Netgear Extender. For any queries or assistance, contact Netgear extender support

Updated 14-Jun-2019

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